The best .com renewal coupon at Godaddy

For now, the best renewal code for .com names at GoDaddy is Zine10 for $7.49 / year.

Update: Just found a great renewal coupon code of GoDaddy for .com renewal at just $6.99. Simply use the code DNF5. However, a minimum of 5 domains is required to get the maximum discount.

Searched all day yesterday for a $6.99 .com renewal coupon to use for my 30 or so .com domains at Godaddy.

No luck.

Until I found something at this thread at namepros. But it’s just $7.39 (not including the ICANN fee) each for .com renewals with this code:


The deal is not bad if not the best. I’m still keeping an eye on any working $6.99 .com renewal codes, if any one of you happens to have one, please kindly share it in the comments. Thanks!

5 thoughts on “The best .com renewal coupon at Godaddy”

  1. Pingback: $6.99 GoDaddy .com renewal coupon code

  2. Thanks a lot man! This coupon worked for me “DNF5” and I paid $7.57 each and that included the ICANN Fee.

    Thanks Man!

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