HTML Definition: What is HTML Defined – What does HTML stand for?

HTML is the abbreviation of Hyper Text Markup Language invented by Tim Berners-Lee, who’s also been called the father of the Web.

HTML is what websites are written in. All websites on the Web are written in HTML that your browsers and email software recognize. It’s a way of representing, organizing and containing information as well as data that need to be stored in web page format and transferred from websites to client computers to be displayed on the screen.

HTML consists of nearly 100 tags in the form of <tag> … </tag> that contains more tags or plain texts in it. For example, tabular data can be represented and stored in HTML in the following manner:


Notice that there are 3 types of tags used in this example, namely <table></table>, <tr></tr> and <td></td> which represent tables, table rows and table cells respectively. Ideally, this HTML table will be rendered in your browser as something looking like this:

11 12
21 22

A table it is.

All after all, HTML is a programming language that mark things up by tags, thus representing information to help computer programs recognize and process them (such as displaying them). A typical example of such programs is your Internet browser.

Information content marked up in HTML is then styled in CSS to be beautiful.

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