How to Change the Homepage Title of vBulletin Forum?

By default, only the forum name / title is displayed in the <title></title> tag of the homepage of your vBulletin forum, which is far from ideal in terms of SEO. One should give a much more descriptive title to the home page of the forum other than the mere name of it.

To do this:

  1. Log in to the /admincp of your vBulletin forum
  2. From the left administrative menu, Styles & Templates –> Style Manager –> Select Edit Templates in the right drop down of the current style set.
  3. In the left selection of templates, double click Forum Home Templates –> double click FORUMHOME.
  4. Now opens the homepage template of your forum, search for ‘<title>’ and you would find the HTML tag to edit.
  5. Add something descriptive and keywords-rich in the <title></title> tag and click Save.
  6. Done!

vBulletin is such a sophisticated application with a very large user base. Took me some time to find this solution. Hope it helps! Check out how I changed the homepage title of the forum for Go.

3 thoughts on “How to Change the Homepage Title of vBulletin Forum?”

  1. Pingback: How to get rid of “Powered by vBulletin” in the homepage title of a vBulletin forum?

  2. This post was very clear and very helpful. I was also able to change the Title in the CMS and Blogs page. How do I change the Title on the What’s New? page? Thanks.

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