Apache, PHP: Get Apache Enabled Modules in PHP Dynamically and Detect if a Apache Module is Installed

Sometimes you will need to detect if a certain Apache module is installed dynamically from PHP so as to determine for proper actions to take. For example, if you write inherent functionalities for optional SEO friendly URLs, you will want to know if the client host has the famous Apache module mod_rewrite installed and enabled, or you know it’ll fail.

To get a list (more precisely, an array) of enabled modules in the current Apache installation, run in PHP:

$amods = apache_get_modules();

Let’s display the list:

// output
    [0] => core
    [1] => mod_win32
    [2] => mpm_winnt
    [3] => http_core
    [4] => mod_so
    [5] => mod_actions
    [6] => mod_alias
    [7] => mod_asis
    [8] => mod_auth_basic
    [9] => mod_authn_default
    [10] => mod_authn_file
    [11] => mod_authz_default
    [12] => mod_authz_groupfile
    [13] => mod_authz_host
    [14] => mod_authz_user
    [15] => mod_autoindex
    [16] => mod_cern_meta
    [17] => mod_cgi
    [18] => mod_dir
    [19] => mod_env
    [20] => mod_imagemap
    [21] => mod_include
    [22] => mod_isapi
    [23] => mod_log_config
    [24] => mod_mime
    [25] => mod_negotiation
    [26] => mod_rewrite
    [27] => mod_setenvif
    [28] => mod_userdir
    [29] => mod_php5

You can then use in_array() function to check if a certain Apache module is installed and enabled.

2 thoughts on “Apache, PHP: Get Apache Enabled Modules in PHP Dynamically and Detect if a Apache Module is Installed”

  1. The function apache_get_modules is only available, if PHP is also loaded as Module. Otherway, Apache will return a “undefined function” error. To test if its loaded as Module, check phpinfo().


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