Don’t know if it’s a glitch of Zend itself but I frequently encounter this problem on Windows with Zend Studio when writing PHP. Function / object methods names auto-completion saves a lot of time by suggesting candidates and a quick flyover tooltip with the synopsis, however sometimes it doesn’t work with newly created functions and object methods. It’s really annoying and it severely damages your productivity in that you have to check manually the usage of a function or object method yourself by switching to other file tabs.
Enough is enough.
Up to my god damn instinct, I tried to unload the current project by ‘Project‘ => ‘Close Project‘ and load it again by ‘Project‘ => ‘Open Project‘ => select the php project file *.zpj (eg. project.zpj) then ‘Open‘.
No, that’s not all.
The key is that it’s a different project.zpj file that you should be opening, rather than the erroneous one that’s having problems with auto-completion. The new Zend project file project.zpj is just created according to the configurations of the previous one and pointing to the same directory containing your php codes.
Therefore, you are very probably going to have to create a new project file pointing to the same directory containing your php project and then load it instead.
Now that’d solve the issue.
tools -> rebuild inspection data
try that one.. it might do the trick
Thanks for the tip, it works!