Linux timestamp is a number of seconds from the Epoch of Linux, large number of seconds. When you are counting the time interval between 2 times or 2 dates, the result is usually in seconds as well. Understandably, it’s everything but user friendly to just present the number of seconds to the users, e.g. 153297 s since last visit.
To display the time interval in a human readable format instead of in seconds, you can use the following function:
function getHumanTime($s) {
$m = $s / 60;
$h = $s / 3600;
$d = $s / 86400;
if ($m > 1) {
if ($h > 1) {
if ($d > 1) {
return (int)$d.' d';
} else {
return (int)$h.' h';
} else {
return (int)$m.' m';
} else {
return (int)$s.' s';
This is what I used for Usable Databases to display length of time since the user’s last visit to a certain page. d indicates day, h hour, m minute and s seconds. This function requires a number of seconds as input and convert it into human readable time periods such as x hours or x days.
Isn’t it better to simply use date() ?
Hmmm, that would be a terrific idea. Can you write some code? I can publish it as a guest post from you!
I guess you couldn’t use date(); 😉