The Rise of Web Bots

Just gave a read to this article:

Very intriguing.

The Internet is developing just like how the other industries are. Traditional industries try to make products out of the raw materials provided by nature, while Internet is trying to reach targeted information / answers by organizing raw data everywhere. That’s exactly what Google and their bots are doing. People prefer data / information that’s more consumable (quick and easily understood) than raw ones. In this sense, companies who organize and present data / information better than the others would have the consumers’ favor; on the other hand, companies that provide only raw data will be hit more by bots (middle men in the supply chain) and less and less by humans (end consumers).

  • Raw data => structured data => raw information => targeted information
  • Iron ore => refined steel => vehicle framework => Tesla Model S

The more usable, the higher in the supply chain, the more end consumers they get.

This is probably a good starting point for business endeavors. While we can’t beat Google but there are many specific niches that we can probably do better than them. On the Internet, money is about organizing and refining data / information.

Go ahead and organize data so you get something new and easier to understand, and you will make money.

3 thoughts on “The Rise of Web Bots”

  1. I like where you are going with this. My thought is as we proceed to engage with the web and it’s metadata, the more personal it will become – i.e. the web will begin to “align” itself with the person engaging it.

    I have been doing research on the feasibility of sentiment analysis in applications and I can’t help but think what an exciting time we’re living in!

    1. That’s very well put Kasey. I’m creating some stuff that tries to better organize existing data and information on the web via crowdsourcing. I think the *personal* and *sentimental* bit is one step further.

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