Google as an online advanced mathematic calculator for arithmetic calculations and big number scientific computations

Google’s a supercomputer! With Google toolbar, these can be as handy as they get.

To get the value of pi:

pi // Google spits pi = 3.14159265

Add them up (and don’t worry about overflow):

62385761827351234125236 + 29893847592638741692387568

Calculate the product (same as above):

854736820183475 * 29347568389187

You get the idea. And of course you can subtract and divide. Just use the basic arithmetic symbols: +, -, *, /.

Basically, Google is just a bunch of geeks and anything that’s valid across major programming languages may be used in the search phrase to do a basic mathematic calculation. For more examples, to get the mod of 23 out of 5:

23 % 5 // returns: 23 mod 5 = 3

Get the square root:

sqrt 4 // Google returns sqrt(4) = 2

Get the nth root:

3rd root of 1000 // returns: 3rd root of 1000 = 10

Get the square:

4 squared // Google returns 4 squared = 16

Get the reciprocal:

reciprocal of 7 // returns: reciprocal of(7) = 0.142857143

Get the power of 10:

10^3 // returns: 10^3 = 1 000

Trigonometric functions

All those trigonometric functions commonly seen in programming languages are all implemented in Google search: sin, cos, tan, sec, csc, cot, arcsin, arccos, arctan, arccsc, etc.


ln, log, lg, exp

Factorial calculation


6! // returns: 6 ! = 720

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